JANUARY 7, 2011 RESOLUTIONThe report of CCSAP headed by famous jurist spread confusion, chaos and led to unnecessary complications.
The utter disregard of the unprecedented mammoth mass movement in each and every human habitation across the six decade long awaiting land and continuing sacrifices by above 500 students and youth by the committee is unpardonable.
The committee’s over enthusiasm in recording platonic ideas is highlighting the futility of such committees.
However, sensing the vehement rejection, Union Home Minister in his letter of December 30 and in the opening remarks in the January 6 meeting of Eight Political parties, repeatedly stressed the need of WAY FORWARD.
This meeting of TELANGANA CONGRESS MONITORING GROUP reiterates its continued demand for curving out separate state of Telangana, reflecting the psyche, sentiments and deep desire for their self rule and respectable human development of four crore people of this land.
1. At this commotion filled juncture, not to hurt much the already deeply wounded sentiments and speedily raising emotions of four crore people of Telangana, this meeting of TELANGANA CONGRESS MONITORING GROUP, after understanding all the niceties of the clever and vagueness of the report of CCSAP in its entirety of 505 pages of Volume 1 and 183 pages of Volume 2 along with 6page summary and 1page note of Home Minister, humbly urges Shrimathi SONIA GANDHI ji, Hon. Congress President to be decisive and swift in further way forward including the measure of persuasion of other regions so as to save Congress and ensure peace in this land.
2. This meeting of TELANGANA CONGRESS MONITORING GROUP urges the Union Government, Planning Commission, Central Water Commission and state Government, not to precipitate the river water distribution complications till the separation takes place, the justifiable share is allotted to Telangana.
3. This meeting of TELANGANA CONGRESS MONITORING GROUP takes note of the pessimistic attitude of state Government and condemns its treatment of the democratic urge and movement as law and order problem and this land as disturbed area.
4. This meeting of TELANGANA CONGRESS MONITORING GROUP calls upon all the workers and leaders of Congress party to be devoutly with the people of this land in their heightened struggle in Gandhian way of non -cooperation and civil disobedience patterns to realize separate statehood of Telangana.
5. This meeting of TELANGANA CONGRESS MONITORING GROUP urges the students and youth to be in the movement and not to end their lives.
For further understanding and deeper evaluation, may read the reports from the following links:
SUMMARY: 6 PAGES:http://pib.nic.in/archieve/others/2011/jan/d2011010501.pdf
VOLUME I: MAIN REPORT: 505 PAGES:http://pib.nic.in/archieve/others/2011/jan/d2011010502.pdf
VOLUME II: APENDICES: 183 PAGES:http://pib.nic.in/archieve/others/2011/jan/d2011010503.pdf
treats the study and recording of the CCSAP
as unpardonable injustice to the six decade long struggling land and its people.