On September 4, 2010 Saturday in New Delhi: TELANGANA CONGRESS MONITORING GROUP delegation led by RAPOLU ANANDA BHASKAR met Shrimathi SONIA GANDHI ji, President, Indian National Congress at 11.15AM at her 10 JANPATH, felicitated her with cotton tri-colour yarn maala, tri-colour scarf and silk shawl and submitted representation urging expeditious constitutional process for according separate statehood to Telangana. TCMG delegation loudly and fondly made above mentioned slogan before for her, for several minutes.
TELANGANA CONGRESS MONITORING GROUP delegation was invited by Shri Dr. K.KESHAVA RAO, MP & CWC Per.Invitee and hosted lunch at 1.30 PM at his 7 Canning Lane Residence. RAPOLU ANANDA BHASKAR and other leaders of TCMG held discssions with him on the current complication of Group one exam without deciding on the region share.
At 4PM, from Wstern Court, as cultural troup walked with their dance, songs and drum beat, members of TCMG three in a row, with uniform, walked towards JANTAR MANTAR to commence demonstration.
scribd links of TCMG appeals to Union Home Minister and Union Finance Minister:
TCMG to UHM: http://www.scribd.com/doc/37089542
TCMG to UFM: http://www.scribd.com/doc/37090025
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